Choose, Share, Care - Wine In Moderation in 2025
2019 | Choose, Share, Care - Wine in Moderation in 2025
Since its conception in 2008, the Wine in Moderation (WIM) programme has had the goal of promoting moderation and responsibility when drinking wine as a cultural and social norm, alerting the public to the risks of excessive consumption and misuse, in partnership with public authorities and other stakeholders. In 2019, eleven years after its foundation, the visual identity and messaging of the program was updated, a new brand strategy was developed and launched, while staying loyal to the organisationʼs values of caring about wine consumers and promoting the sustainable culture of wine.
Taking into account the tools that the Wine in Moderation Association already possessed, there was a plethora of information to choose from. Core materials included the Wine Communication Standard and WIM Stylebook, the website, social media, videos, key messages and implementation guides, as well as training guidelines in 12 languages, and responsible drinking documentation.
Furthermore, always leading with science-based knowledge, WIM pointed to the Wine Information Councilʼs comprehensive website, as well as provided news alerts on scientific trending topics. The WiM Association had also elaborated documents, such as annual reports, newsletters, an online archive of good practices, workshops, and presentations in international conferences, besides providing ad hoc support and advice for the WiM Community, whenever consulted. As such, there was a rich base of materials to build on, and the developed strategy did just this.
In order to update the WIM image and expand its reach, a new brand strategy, set to be fulfilled until the year 2025, came into play, planning out a series of active measures and steps that would further evolve the organisation. With a new brand strategy came a new tagline - Choose, Share, Care. These three words would come to summarise the WIM message, inspiring action in consumers:
Make informed choices, respect the wine you drink and those who drink it with.
Share your wine with food, with friends and family, enjoying good moments and appreciating it slowly, with water on the side.
Caring about yourself is caring about others, not putting yourself or others in harm's way.
As part of the strategy, the WiM Association established two target audiences: wine professionals, and consumers. The former would be inspired to become ambassadors of the WIM message, trained in Responsible Service and talking accurately about alcohol abuse with tangible actions that would inspire consumers make informed decisions, follow a balanced and healthy lifestyle, enjoying wine and respecting the culture of wine.
At the outset of the strategic development, it was necessary to establish goals and thoroughly plan out the implementation. With this in mind, the first aim was to define markets and level of prioritisation - in combination with leaders of National Associations, the priorities of each country would be defined, and actions would be mapped out to implement WIMʼs brand strategy. This was grounded in three elements:
1. Mature: rejuvenate and activate;
2. Grow: support development;
3. New: recruit, launch, embrace strategic potential.
Similarly, the second aim resided in implementing a Planning Process for 2020, working with National Leaders to develop a measurable plan of action for 2020. This would allow for the third aim to be completed - establishing Global Targets for 2025.
In the creation of the new brand identity, a need for a digital communication plan became obvious order to further modernise the message Wine in Moderation. The ʻDominate Digitalʼ plan was mapped out, with the goal of supporting the digital operation, presence and impact of WiM.
Additionally, in the position of Community Coordinator, the WiM Association had the roll of being an ʻincubatorʼ for WIM programs and projects which had been piloted around the world, preparing them for use by all implementers who were interested, as well as identifying trends and setting pilot projects to test new ideas. The new strategy would promote the Incubator process. Furthermore, WiM Association would develop a Planning Guideline to support the national Plan development, and coordinate measurement and reporting on a global basis, considering numerous factors such as compatibility with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, digital tracking and measuring KPIs.
In addition, new training and implementation tools would be developed, structures in form packages separated by areas of action, such as:
The Wine in Moderation program has successfully expanded to 15 countries, with 2000 supporters and over 50,000 trained professionals and is established as the Wine sector contribution to the responsible development of a sustainable future.